- 9 April Paul Van den Hof Introduction; prediction
- 16 April Paul Van den Hof Prediction error methods
- 23 April Paul Van den Hof Asymptotic analysis
- 30 April Giulio Bottegal Bayesian estimation; machine learning
- 7 May Johan Schoukens Frequency domain identification
- 14 May Johan Schoukens Nonlinear identification
- 28 May Xavier Bombois Experiment design
- 4 June Paul Van den Hof Closed-loops and dynamic networks
DISC Course SYSID 2018
- Prof. Paul Van den Hof, TU/e, Eindhoven
- Prof. Johan Schoukens, VUB, Brussels
- Prof. Xavier Bombois, CNRS, Lyon
- Dr. Giulio Bottegal, TU/e, Eindhoven
Start of the course: 9 April 2018. Check the description of the course.
Please register through the DISC website.
Course schedule
Lecture slides
- Lecture 1, Apr 9 2018, Introduction (PVdH)
- Lecture 2, Apr 16 2018, Prediction error method (PVdH)
- Lecture 3, Apr 23 2018, Analysis and additional topics (PVdH)
- Lecture 4, Apr 30 2018, Non-parametric and kernel-based system identification (GB)
- Lecture 5, May 7 2018, Frequency domain methods (JS)
- Lecture 6, May 14 2018, Nonlinear models (JS)
- Lecture 7, May 28 2018, Experiment design (XB)
- Lecture 8, June 4 2018, Closed-loop identification (PVdH)
Course material
- Lecture notes: “System Identification – Data-driven Modeling of Dynamic Systems”, Paul M.J. Van den Hof, Version February 2020.
Student assignments
Assignment 1 (Lectures 1-3). Issued: 23 April 2018; Deadline: 23 May 2018.
Assignment 2 (Lecture 4) (corr.) Issued: 15 May 2018; Deadline 15 June 2018
Assignment 3 (Lecture 5-6). Issued: 14 May 2018; Deadline 14 June 2018.
A choice can be made between either of the two assignments:
1) F-domain identification
2) Nonlinear distortions
Assignment 4 (Lectures 7-8) Issued: 4 June 2018; Deadline 4 July 2018